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WBSFH World Rankings – NZ Hanoverians rate with the best!
The Brands of Hanover and Rheinland – Guarantee of Performance THE FINAL WBSFH RANKINGS FOR 2019 Dressage 20 NZHS – New Zealand Hanoverian Society 166 DON AMOUR MH 105KP97 DON FREDERICO/Anamour B. Matthews Hanoverians 282 LETTY LEI EDH 105XF54 Limonit/Mantari
Fact Box 1 – Studbook Eligibility – Stallions and Mares
Stallion Eligibility – Hanoverian & Rheinland Studbooks All Hanoverian horses bred in New Zealand and registered with the NZ Hanoverian Society have been sired by horses that have gained their licensing and performance testing approval. For a prospective stallion, the
Fact Box 2 – Mare Classification Process as at 2018
For breeding purposes mares undergo a selection process. As well as fulfilling pedigree requirements, mares have to pass an inspection in which their breed type, conformation, movement and correctness of gaits are assessed. In Germany, this is known as the
Fact Box No 3 – The Registration Process
Only foals born by licensed and performance tested stallions, out of Studbook or Pre Studbook registered mares, are entitled to be registered and birth branded. Pink pedigree certificates (“Pink Papers”) are issued by the Society for foals by licensed, performance
Stallions Registered in New Zealand for 2019 – 20
Just a reminder that these are the currently registered New Zealand domiciled stallions They are either Licensed leading up to their Stallion Performance Tests (annual license awarded) or they are fully Licensed and Performance Tested for life. The Stallions from
Hanoverian breed has low inbreeding coefficient
Hanoverian, Quarter Horse and Mongolian horses had the lowest inbreeding co-efficients of the breeds studied, researchers found.
Preparing a Broodmare for Stud
Tips on preparing your broodmare for a visit to stud.
Importation, Storage and Transport of Frozen Semen
by Victoria Weston The importation of frozen semen from around the world is becoming common practice for many equine-breeding enthusiasts, who are keen to introduce new bloodlines to New Zealand.
Foaling Your Mare
by Dave Hanlon Participating in the delivery of your new foal can be an exhilarating and nervous time for any broodmare owner. Understanding what is normal during foaling and when to seek assistance during or after foaling are the keys