The new ESNZ database requires that you provide the horse’s UELN (Unique Equine Life Number). Horses only have one of these throughout their life.
As Hanoverian and Rheinland breeders your foals since 2015 are covered! All Hanoverian and Rheinland registered foals were given a UELN since 2015. This is recorded on your Pink Papers.
Prior to 2015 horses were given a Life Registration Number. For these horses ESNZ allocates a UELN that starts with 554008.
Please use your UELN from the Pink Papers when registering. If you don’t
ESNZ may allocate one from their database.
Our Society wants to avoid the random allocation of numbers and above all ensure that the breed of the horse is correctly recorded.
All Stud book horses are either Hanoverian or Rheinland. There is no such thing as a Hanoverian/TB cross! (see the article called Hanoverian – What is in the name? )
What you need to do
- Horses born since 2015
Check the UELN ESNZ registration against your Pink Papers. The UELN for both Hanoverian and Rheinland horses should begin with 554007.
If the number is different and starts with 554008 then send it back for correction.
- Horses born prior to 2015
Will already have some sort of ESNZ number – possibly even the NZHS one – but when you register for FEI events a UELN with 554008 will be allocated.
ESNZ says that it is flagging a registration that purports to be Hann or Rhein so that all Hanoverian and Rheinland horses will have to upload a copy of their Pink Papers or Passport to verify the right to use the name. We believe that this should be compulsory. If you are not asked for this please let ESNZ know.
Please refer to your own horses by the correct Studbook Name. Be proud that they Hanoverian or Rheinland as they are just the best – and value the Papers because they are the Birth Certificate and verify that your horse has come through a robust breeding programme that does a very good job to eliminate trial and error in producing reliable and purpose bred products.