NZ HANOVERIAN SOCIETY SASH AWARDS 2018-19 – progress report

After almost half of the Premier League Shows we have some very worthy winners. We are very grateful for Judith Matthews and Matthews Hanoverians for sponsoring the sashes this year – it’s a great help to the Society and all of the riders who win them.

Henrike Puketapu and her lovely mare HP Soe Imp. (Sporcken/De Niro) has won the Level 1 – 3 sash at three of the shows – Gisborne, Hawkes Bay and Southern Hawkes Bay. B. Virginia Urbath, Hamburg

Liz Hutson and her Level 7 star Hapsbug PSH (His Highness/Gaius xx) B. Nicolette Rendle has won at two shows – North Island Championships and Southern Hawkes Bay

Wendi Williamson – Don Amour MH (Don Frederico/Anamour) B. Matthews Hanoverians, has also won twice, at Bay of Plenty and Waitemata.

Anya Durling – Rascallion (Rascalino/De Niro) has also won twice, at Canterbury and Southland. B. Anya Durling

HP Soe – Henrike Puketapu


Other winners so far are

Sally Howe-Stirton – Wandering Star (Worldly/Distelfink) B. Barnara Nixon-McKay

Renee Etherington – BL All By Chance (Anamour/Hey Barba Ribaxx )  B. Wendy Freeman

Genevieve Quinn – Parkridge Bounce (Brentano II/Deputy Governor xx) B. Carol Eivers

Carol Eivers – Parkridge Last Waltz (Londonderry/Wolkentanz I) B. Carol Eivers

Jackie Thomas – Sartorial Hit SW (Sarkozy/Anamour) B. Sheena Ross, Stirling Warmbloods

Joy White – Gammon KS Imp. (Gymnastik Star/Head over Heels xx) B. Kinnordy Stud

Lucarne Dolley – Danza MH (Dancier/Brentano II) B. Matthews Hanoverians

Casey Burton – Fanfare MH (Furstenball/Dancier) B. Matthews Hanoverians,

Christine Weal – Stoneylea Felicio (Furstenball/Dream Boy). B. John and Angela Smith

Congratulations to all – riders, owners and breeders.

The Sash Awards programme is a way to recognise excellence – a mark of the Hanoverian and Rheinland horses performance world wide – hence the sashes are presented to the highest level Champion or Reserve Champion in each of the two categories.

Fanfare MH – Casey  Burton Sash and Young Horse winner at Waitemata Premier Show 2018 – with NZHS President Renai Hart.

Matthews Hanoverians Dressage Sash Awards – progress report