It is a wonderful resource for breeders – it tells you so much about the Stallions and the data is gathered from all the Mare studbook inspections over many years – and correlated for your benefit.
You need to consider the marks your mare received in her Mare classification – think about what your ideal foal might evolve into for your needs – THEN match the athletic attributes of the stallion for your needs along with the positives and negatives of your mare’s scores – and there you have it.
See the photos of the explanation page from the front of the Stallion Year Book – De Niro in this case to help you work it out.
The positive attributes are on the right side of the graph – and the negatives are on the left.
See the two other photos – one of Stakkato for jumping positive jumping points and one for Don Frederico for positive dressage points.
I hope that this is helpful. Call if you still have questions – Robin 021 1733299